- All chemicals and products that contain chemicals except the following inapplicable subjects regulated by other laws are applicable subjects of MSDS
1.) Radioactive substances under the Atomic Energy Act
2.) Medicines and non-pharmaceutical drugs under the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act
3.) Cosmetics under the Cosmetics Act
4.) Narcotics and psychotropic drugs under the Act on the control of Narcotics
5.) Agrochemicals under the Agrochemicals Control Act
6.) Livestock feeds under the Control of Livestock and Fish Feed Act
7.) Fertilizers under the Fertilizer Control Act
8.) Foods and food additives under the Food Sanitation Act
9.) Explosives under the Control of Firearms, Swords, Explosives, etc. Act
10.) Waste under Wastes Control Act
11.) Consumer goods such as detergents
12.) Others as publicly announced by Ministry of Employment and Labor
(But, if the raw material of above inapplicable MSDS subjects are not regulated by the relevant laws/acts as mentioned, then such raw material is subject to Occupational Safety Health Act.)
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